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Ashton Meditation Class

Thursday Evening Drop in Class, Everyone is Welcome

with Kadampa teacher Stuart

These weekly classes are open to everyone.  Each class consists of guided meditations , a short talk on Buddhist topics and an opportunity at the end to ask questions.


No.  Everyone is welcome.  These methods are applicable in our daily lives whatever our background or beliefs.

No.  The classes are all seated and you are welcome to sit on a chair or on a cushion on the floor.

Yes.  All of our classes are suitable for everyone.

During lockdown and restrictions, most classes are streamed online, when lockdown is over then most of our classes are drop in.  However for half day courses and evening classes in the city there is a discount if you book in advance.

All costs are shown with each event also to save costs if you wish to attend regularly See our Membership Prices for details of prices.

We are a not for profit charity.  All of the fees for classes cover the costs of running our Centres and go towards our International Temples Project.

We have a whole website dedicated to giving people snippets via Podcasts so you can get a feeling of the teachings. Modern Buddhism Podcasts.

Kadampa Meditation Centre Manchester is a registered charity (1038999) whose function is to offer Kadampa teachings and meditations for everyone.  So that everyone may have the opportunity to find inner peace and happiness and be free from problems and suffering.  

Our Centres run on kindness.  If you would like to support KMC Manchester there are many ways you can help. Thank you for your support. 

For more information please contact us on

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