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Meditation For Schools

Meditation For Schools - KMC Manchester

Meditation @ School

Meditation For Schools - KMC Manchester

Happy children create a peaceful world

In this increasingly fast-moving world, we all need to develop essential skills to solve our problems and make ourself and others happy. Buddha’s instructions show us how to do this. The teachings of Buddha that make our lives meaningful are as relevant now as they were 2600 years ago.

Tharpa’s books for children invite all children to make a journey of self-discovery and improvement to help them realise their full potential. They address the reader in a mature voice and use Buddhism as a basis for exploring many of the issues and concerns that confront our children today.

Discover the possibilities for children to learn contemplation, meditation, compassion and wisdom while developing an understanding of their own mind.

To meet the needs of these changing times KMC Manchester’s Meditation @ School Programme is available to help both online and eventually at the school place. 

If you would like to know more about how we can help your school, the children & staff! please get in touch

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