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Dedicated to Others Powered by Kindness

Kadampa Meditation Centre Manchester is a registered charity (1038999) whose function is to offer Kadampa teachings and meditations for everyone.  So that everyone may have the opportunity to find inner peace and happiness and be free from problems and suffering.

Our Centres run on kindness.  If you would like to support KMC Manchester there are many ways you can help. Thank you for your support.



New Kadampa Tradition

“Without inner peace, outer peace is impossible. ”

- Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche

Kadampa Buddhism Worldwide 2023

Kadam Dharma Worldwide 2023

The 2023 international brochure showing the latest developments in Modern Kadampa Buddhism worldwide, and the international teaching program of Festivals and Dharma Celebrations for the year is now available.

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