Throughout the weekends of January, immerse yourself in deepening your spiritual practice during our special retreat month. All retreats will be guided by our Resident Teacher, Kelsang Sama.
GOING BEYOND ORDINARY: Vajrayogini’s path
January 24th-26th
Friday 24th:
7pm Introduction
Saturday 25th:
9:30 – 10:45am Session 1
11:30 – 12: 45pm Session 2
2- 3:15pm Session 3
3:45- 5pm Session 4
5:30pm Offering to the Spiritual Guide prayers
Sunday 26th:
9:30 – 10:45am Session 1
11:30 – 12: 45pm Session 2
Retreat fees: £35 for the whole weekend/ discounted for members. Our cafe will be open throughout the weekend to purchase refreshments and lunch.