Normality – it’s just not normal
Ever felt out of sync? A bit not normal? Like there’s a gap between you and the world? Well it’s not you and it’s not just you! We all get it wrong. So let’s start
to put things right – with wisdom. Let’s get back into sync with our selves and our reality and learn to live more lightly.
In his wisdom of emptiness teachings Buddha tells us exactly why we feel a sense of estrangement from ourselves and our world. And why it’s not our fault. The normality we judge ourselves by is just not normal at all. It’s abnormal, distorted by deeply deceptive mental habits. Once we learn to recognize these habits and how they create a mistaken reality we can start to correct them. We can stop chasing our phantoms, get into step with ourselves and experience the reality of our life as it actually exists.
“If we think like this we will be able to live in the conventional world without grasping at it. We will treat it lightly and have the flexibility of mind to respond to every situation in a constructive way.” Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, How to Transform Your Life
10.00 – 11.30 meditation and teaching
11.30 – break
12.00 – 13.00 teaching
13.00 – lunch
2.15 – 3.30 teaching and meditation
Jeff Simm is a senior Kadampa teacher with many years experience of presenting Buddha’s wisdom in a clear and accessible way. His teachings are light, practical and suitable for everyone, including those new to meditation.
Jeff teaches regularly in Manchester as well as Portugal and Brazil.