
Tuesdays 7:30-8:45pm: Solving our problems through meditation


Tuesdays 7 – 8:15pm | with Kadampa Teacher Jeff | £8 per class | held at KMC Manchester, Chorlton


Tuesdays 7:30 – 8:45pm | with Kadampa Teacher Jeff | £8 per class | held at KMC Manchester

Solving our problems through meditation

By learning to use meditation in a practical way, we can unlock its hidden power to solve a range of personal problems. How do we know we have a problem? We start to lose our emotional equilibrium and mental peace, and are then at the mercy of irritation, anxiety and disappointment. With meditation we can learn to recognise these negative feelings, reduce their impact and finally start to remove them from our mind, and build new mental habits to steer ourselves more easily through our life.

4th Feb: What makes a problem a problem? Learn the difference between outer and inner problems

11th: The problem of anger- Learn to create a stable peaceful barrier between ourself and our anger

18th: Love, the personal-problem solver- Once we stop seeing others through our own self-concern we naturally become easier on ourselves and more understanding of others

25th: The mind of patience- Real patience is not a weak or resentful mind- a person with patience faces life’s problems with confidence and resilience.

Do you attend our classes regularly? Our monthly membership is the most economical way to enjoy the classes and gives the opportunity to enjoy and deepen your meditation experience. Membership is charged monthly and can be cancelled at any time, sign up here: https://kmcmanchester.org/about/centre-membership/


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