
Tuesdays 7:30-8:45pm: Be kind to your mind


Be kind to your mind | 4 week meditation course | Tuesdays 7:30 – 8:45pm | March 4th – March 25th


Be kind to your mind | 4 week meditation course | Tuesdays 7:30 – 8:45pm | March 4th – March 25th

with experienced meditation teacher Jeff Simm

Meditation- the gateway to happiness

Week 1: Meditation for mental peace- opening the gateway to our mind
Week 2: What exactly is our mind? And why the answer is essential to our happiness
Week 3: The priceless potential of our mind- how to overcome wrong opinions about ourselves
Week 4: The power of meditation to change our mental states from negative to positive

Course fee: £28 for the whole course or £8 per class/ free for members. Find out more about membership here